Friday, August 19, 2005

A Brief Guide to Biennials and Perennials

Biennials are generally very beautiful plants, with most attractive flowers.
They are somewhat more trouble for the gardener, since they keep growing
during their first year and do not bloom until the second. Their great advantage
is that their seeding stage produces new plants which will bloom again two years
 later, making it unnecessary to plant additional seeds.

Choosing and Planting Roses in Your Garden

 If you enjoy roses, you can use them functionally as well as decoratively around your grounds
— as creepers, shrubs, vines, climbers, hedges or just as beds of pure colour. Rose originators
are enthusiastic and tireless, and every year new favourites appear. Most recently the headliners
were the bright floribunda rose, Jiminy Cricket; the soft, pure-pink hybrid tea rose, Queen
Elizabeth; the bright" yellow peace rose. Get the full story here